Transitioning from elementary school to high school can be, and often is, a real challenge for students. While the Grade has only changed from 8 to 9, virtually every aspect of the education experience will have changed. We will highlight the most important changes here, but know that with the right strategy, the move to high school doesn’t have to be painful.
There are three main ways in which high school differs from elementary school:
A new marking system Firstly, one of the most jarring changes students encounter when entering high school is the new marking system. Unlike elementary school, evaluation will now be divided into four categories : knowledge, application, thinking and communication. These four are marked separately and then combined. Being aware of this can help students zero in on the areas they need to improve. More often than not, students have an easy time answering the straightforward knowledge questions, which are usually right or wrong. However, troubles often begin with application and thinking questions which require higher level analytical thinking that may or may not have been taught previously.
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These require not simply knowledge, but also the ability to understand concepts on a deeper level, and to apply them in real or theoretical situations. In Science this might take the form of asking a student to explain how to proceed with an experiment if they are trying to find a certain property from a substance. This requires knowledge of elements and reactions, and applying that for the desired result.