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How to Find School-Life Balance and Defeat Stress - Life Strategy #1: Establish Priorities

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Determine what is most important and what needs to be completed first. Remember, you don't have to work through everything on your to-do list overnight. Avoid the need to rush at the last minute by not procrastinating and scheduling your work and planning a week ahead. Write down what needs to be done first and early in the week and what can be done later. If you focus on a few important assignments or activities every night, you don't have to worry about all these tasks every night. As a result, you can concentrate better and execute any project better.

Learn to organize your time optimally. Time management is an important part of academic and professional success. Try using the sample template titled "Make a Daily Schedule" to help you organize your priorities. An easy way to prioritize is to think about what's urgent. If you have to write a history report but also have to practice an instrument for a concert, ask yourself which deadline comes first. If the report is supposed to be the week before, but the conceit is next week, you have a simple answer.

In addition, consider the consequences of NOT spending time on your top priorities. If you can't decide if an assignment is worth your time, ask yourself, "What would happen if I didn't do it?" Here's an example: Should you finish your math homework or go out and watch a movie with friends?

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The consequences of not doing your math work properly will result in a failing grade on the project that will upset your parents, and you will have to work harder to increase your grade. The consequences of not watching the film is that you will miss the cinema, but you can always see the film on the weekend or on a night when you have less work. This comparison and thought process makes it quite dear which of these two things should be prioritized.

Beware of the biggest waste of time! Activities like watching TV and playing video games are known to suck up your time, so learn self-control to keep them to a minimum.

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