Once you feel that you have sufficiently mastered this year’s topics, the best way to see if you have developed the necessary foundations for next year’s courses is….to actively try and take them on! Use this summer to get a head start on the units and subjects you would be responsible of next year.
Although I would definitely recommend going as far as you can, the first few units of the curriculum are usually the best test for your preparedness as they are typically heavily dependent on last year’s knowledge. If you are able to extend your base of knowledge into next year’s curriculum successfully, this is a good sign that you are on the right track.
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On the other hand, if you find yourself unable to understand or grasp any of the new concepts (particularly in the first unit), this might point towards some foundational weaknesses in the year prior that you can work on. The academic objectives of your next year can not only be found on the school board’s curriculum, but also in resources such as “curriculum books” that are also widely sold and contain many practice problems and questions to try out!
However, you should keep in mind that teachers usually have the final say on what your learning looks like, which brings us to our next point.