For any student, getting good grades and achieving set goals in high school are often the result of hard work. But the ability to work consistently is only possible with structured schedules and well-thought-out study habits. What exactly is a "study habit"?
A study habit is a learned pattern of behavior that a student regularly follows until his need to study, read, or complete homework becomes almost a reflex or involuntary act. By developing a good study habit early in the school year, you can finish your schoolwork without having to consciously think about work. For example, doing classroom assignments on a daily or weekly basis will seem routine at first and studying will no longer feel like a burden.
How can you adjust your daily schedule to develop consistent study habits? The focus here is on adjusting your current habits to form a set of new improved study skills. It's challenging to change drastically, so you're not expected to do that. Depending on the student, the speed can make all the difference. In addition, different students have different study styles, different strengths, and ways of solving problems. Use the following tips to build a consistent study habit.
Make a quality decision to change your study habits
Develop and monitor your newly adjusted study habits on a daily or weekly basis
Set boundaries to protect your new habits
When you decide to develop good study habits, the results will be reflected in your academic performance. Instead of thinking, "I wish I could graduate in school," your focus becomes "success" in your academic studies. Essentially, you have gone from being a passive student to a proactive individual who is determined to achieve academic success.
"Consistent habits" means staying on track. A typical study pattern I've identified in previous students is their desire to finish their homework right after school and before dinner. However, they are usually easily distracted as soon as they get home by video games, friends or TV, and instead start to see homework and studying as a tiring chore. This is because they do not practice their study habits; once you've set a goal to study for a period of time, stick to it from the start, and soon it will feel like part of a natural daily routine rather than a chore.
After you establish consistent study habits, respect those habits by setting boundaries to protect your new routine. For example, you may want to turn off your phone so that you are not tempted to chat or put away the video games until you finish schoolwork. By creating these boundaries, you can keep the distractions out of your sight so you can focus on studying or doing homework.