The biggest influence on you as a high school student is learning the lesson of responsibility and balance. Be honest with your feelings. If you're feeling overwhelmed by your workload, see if there are some things you can accomplish now and some later. This will help decrease stress at this time and allow you to overcome frustration and anxiety.
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An important lesson from lying is to always approach a task with an open mind. You can only do it with a healthy body and thoughtful thinking. Exercise and a healthy diet can go a long way to relieve stress. Be aware of excess stress in your life. Stress is a normal physical response to events that make you nervous or upset your balance in some way. It can be both a goal and a bad one. On the positive side, stress can help you overcome challenges and is what keeps you on your toes for a presentation at school. But beyond a certain point, stress ceases to be helpful and begins to cause significant damage to your health, productivity, relationships, and quality of life.