Your college years may seem like a long way off, but what your team and what you earn now will directly affect your long-term academic success. Most high school students learn to focus on short-term goals - their goal is to study and be successful on tests and exams, sports, and homework. These involve focusing on the materials taught in class than reviewing notes and finally taking a test.
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However, there is a great need for high school students to learn the importance of long-term academic success and how to achieve it. Students are at a crucial developmental stage where what they learn and what they act on will directly influence how they respond to challenges in college. This type of education will be vital for transitioning to college and doing well after high school.
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Implement the following study habits and learn to set achievable goals. What you do here will carry over to college and make your chances of long-term academic success realistic and achievable! Let me share with you the key strategies for long-term academic success: